Building on success to meet the MC 2030 Goals

The Micronesia Challenge (MC) 2030 extended the original challenge to effectively manage and protect at least 50 percent of nearshore marine resources and 30 percent of terrestrial resources by 2030. This project contributes to the MC aiming to further build the resilience of Micronesian communities and ecosystems to better withstand the impacts of increasing stressors by expanding the protection of the region’s most critical natural resources. Capitalizing on previous funding from the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP), the funding source of this project, the accomplishments under the MC to date, and at the direction of the updated MC2030 goals, the project supports the expansion and improvement of the Protected Areas (PAN) networks, MCT’s small grants program, Capacity Building for both the Micronesia Challenge Bill Raynor (BRMC) Graduate-level scholars and the Micronesians in Island Conservation mentorship project, and supports the MC Measures core teams indicator monitoring and data gathering, specifically terrestrial and socio-economic monitoring. The project also supports strengthening fisheries management through planning and enforcement initiatives and awareness to Micronesian youths on the importance of the efforts and benefits of protecting ecosystems and their services. Furthermore, through the MCT’s small grants programs, six impact areas are addressed: Coastal fisheries management plans and actions, Forest stewardship plans and actions, Expansion and improvement of Protected Areas Networks (PANs), Generation of alternative livelihood income streams tied to conservation programs, Scientific studies that support science-to-management feedback loops for protected areas manager, Watershed/forest management that leads to higher climate resilience for participating communities, and Invasive species control, eradication and management in training, plan and action.

Countries: Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI), and The Republic of Palau (ROP)

Impact Areas: Conservation, Livelihood and Climate Change

Project Duration: September 2022 to August 2024 (in-progress)

Project Grant: $850,000.00

Funding Source: Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP)

Partners: Governments of the Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of the Marshall Islands, The Nature Conservancy’s Micronesia Program, Micronesians in Island Conservation (MIC), NOAA-Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Areas Community (PIMPAC), the University of Guam and University of Guam’s Marine Lab as well as the United States Forest Service and the United States Geological Survey. MCT also work with the following state and local partners including Palau Conservation Society, Palau International Coral Reef Center, the Palau Protected Areas Network (PAN) Fund, One Reef Stewardship, Ngardmau State Government PAN Office, the Marshall Islands Conservation Society, Women United Together in the Marshall Islands, Chuuk Conservation Society, Chuuk Women’s Council, Kosrae Conservation and Safety Organization, Yap Community Action Program, Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Ajeltake Community Development Association, Inc., MLMDA Youth Organization.


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