Micronesia Conservation Trust Fellowship

The MCT Fellowship project focuses on addressing gaps in the processes and mechanisms of our capacity-building programs to ensure the region is provided with effective capacity-building initiatives in conservation and natural resource management. The project aims to achieve its intended goal through the following:

  • A professional fellowship program is established for the five Micronesia Challenge jurisdictions (Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Guam, and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands) to encourage and ensure students return home after their studies to be leaders in natural resources management organizations/agencies in the region

  • At least four (4) awardees of the Bill Raynor Micronesia Challenge and/or Japan Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation – Sophia University (APIC-Sophia) Scholarship Programs return home upon completion of their studies to work as leaders in their organizations/agencies

  • At least four (4) Micronesia Challenge Young Champions are mentored by the professional fellows in order to encourage them to further their studies in the field of natural resources management.

  • At least four (4) Micronesia organizations/agencies have increased their capacity to design, implement and monitor new natural resources management projects.

Countries: Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Guam and Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

Partners: Ebiil Society Inc., Yap Community Action Program, Tamil Resources Conservation Trust, KOHWA Inc., Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Tamil Women's Association, US Department of Insular Affairs

Project Duration: August 2020 – September 2024

Funding Source: Department of Interior-Technical Assistance Program

Grant Amount: $212,000


Micronesia Environmental Law Fellowship Program