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GEF7-IWP FSM National Project Coordinator

A.    National Project Coordinator Job Description

 The National Project Coordinator (NPC) will work under the supervision and guidance of the Assistant Secretary of FSM R&D in collaboration with the GEF 7 International Waters Project Grant Manager: the Micronesia Conservation Trust. The NPC shall also work closely with the Project Management Unit for the full GEF 7 International Waters project, specifically the Project Manager, Finance Manager, and the Project Coordinator (also the Micronesia Challenge Regional Coordinator). This project position is based in Pohnpei, at FSM Dept. of R&D. The NPC shall oversee day-to-day management of the project activities in FSM and will be responsible for the following technical, administrative and managerial tasks:

Project Preparation & Implementation

  • Operational management of activities in FSM including preparatory work and implementation of the national project activities in accordance with GEF Guidelines and the Project Document.[2]

  • Regular communication and coordination with the Project Management Unit members, project partners throughout the region, FSM R&D staff, and all other stakeholders with regards to all activities within FSM.[3]

  • Regular communication and coordination with the FSM Protected Area Network (PAN) Coordinator regarding matters relevant to the PAN Technical Committee members and activities.

  • Oversight and supporting implementation of the relevant Gender Action Plan activities in FSM.[4]

  • Engage as a liaison with the National Project Coordinators in RMI and Palau to identify and act upon opportunities for transferable lesson sharing. This liaison role could include supporting national reporting responsibilities within the project, contributing information to the communication and visioning activities for Component two, as well as helping with development of “Experience Notes” from project findings.

  • Regular travel amongst the states of FSM to organize and monitor project activities; possible travel outside the country for participation in directly relevant regional meetings.

  • Preparation of an annual work plan and budget and the successful and timely implementation of the plan to ensure achievement of the project outcomes and deliverables for FSM.

  • Organize and manage meetings, including appointments with stakeholders/consultations, logistical arrangements and secretary support.

  • Facilitate national-level working group dialogues with relevant stakeholders to share information on current challenges and policy recommendations for improved marine ecosystem health and sustainable nearshore fisheries management under the MC 2030

a.     Face-to-face consultations (at least two per year) with Project Working Group in FSM and other stakeholders, including the private sector.

b.     Virtual monthly meetings (at least 8 per year) with groups and individuals appropriate to progress the work.

  • Coordinate recruitment of external consultant services to facilitate technical workshops with Project Working Group members and other key stakeholders to: (i) review and update the Protected Area Network management and coastal fisheries management to ensure alignment with the MC 2030 targets; and (ii) develop a National MC 2030 Strategic Plan for FSM based on the outcome documents from all the national meetings and workshops.

  • Coordinate work product development, including meeting quarterly targets, deliverables, and reporting requirements.

  • Procurement of resources as needed, including consultants or contracted contributions to working group meetings and activities.

Project Monitoring & Evaluation  

  • Conduct periodic assessment of implementation progress towards achieving the intended results and outcomes for the preparation of biannual progress reports.

  • Maintain a project calendar to track and monitor each activity and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the successful completion of the project in consultation with FSM R&D, MCT, and the PMU.

  • Ensure effective coordination and communication with the PMU members, project partners, and other relevant stakeholders with regards to the project activities and updates to support the wider regional monitoring efforts of the project.

  • Participate and provide input as needed for the independent Terminal Evaluations of the project.

 Project Reporting

  • Develop a Project Work Plan for completion of national project deliverables.

  • Provide timely quarterly progress reports against the project’s annual workplan and budget.

  • Produce a final report reflecting the nature of the work undertaken, methodologies, indicators evaluation of the project, lessons learned and recommendations.

  • Engage as a liaison with the National Project Coordinators in RMI and Palau to identify and act upon opportunities for transferable lesson sharing. This liaison role could include supporting national reporting responsibilities within the project, contributing information to the communication and visioning activities for Component two, as well as helping with development of “Experience Notes” from project findings.

 B.       Preferred Consultant Qualifications

  • Associate of Science (AS) degree with at least 2 years of experience managing projects involving natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, or another field with direct relevance to the project, preferably in the FSM

  • Basic technical understanding of natural resources management

  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with a broad range of stakeholders

  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively under close supervision, as well as under minimal supervision

  • Superior skills in organization and management, including past experience with planning, tracking, evaluation, and supervision of consultants and/or employees

  • Close familiarity with the operations and rules of the GEF is not a requirement but will be viewed with favor

  • Fluency in English, in reading, writing, and speaking, and preferably in languages relevant throughout the FSM as well

It may be necessary to occasionally consider adjustments to the job description in response to the dynamic nature of our work environment – including technological requirements or statutory changes.

C. Position Duration: The position will be for the remainder of the project duration—through February 28, 2026. The NPC is a full-time position.

D. How to Apply: To apply, submit the following items to Winfred Mudong ( with the subject heading “GEF7-IWP FSM National Project Coordinator”.

  • Resume

  • Cover Letter

  • 3 References and their contact information

E. Closing Date: March 15, 2025

 For any inquiries, please contact Winfred Mudong at the above email address or at 320-5670.

Background Information

Micronesia Challenge 2020

In 2006, the leaders of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands committed to effectively conserve at least 30% of the near-shore marine resources and 20% of the terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2020. We now see many of these types of commitments globally but at the time it was made it was, and still is, globally significant as it was a high-level political commitment made by heads of government, and directly addressed the perceived lack of engagement from political leaders in conservation-related efforts across the region.

Micronesia Challenge 2030

During the 24th Micronesia Island Forum in 2019, the Leaders recognized the success in the first 15 years of the Micronesia Challenge and endorsed the new Micronesia Challenge 2030 goals to effectively manage 50% of marine resources, including the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and 30% of terrestrial resources by 2030. The goal now also includes a larger voice for fisheries management, reducing invasive species, restoring habitats, increasing livelihood opportunities and reducing risks to communities from climate impact in Micronesia (See full MC 2030 target language in Appendix A).

About this project

The Global Environment Facility International Waters project titled “Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030[1] builds on the Micronesia Challenge 2030 (MC 2030) conservation, community benefit, and process targets, recognized by MC 2030 partner jurisdictions including the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Republic of Palau, the U.S. Territory of Guam and the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The project aims to enhance national and regional marine resource management towards the Micronesia Challenge 2030 targets through three Components. The first component focuses on supporting FSM, RMI and Palau as they develop national policies, plans and tools to support national integrated management of marine resources under Micronesia Challenge 2030 targets. The second project component— implemented through the Micronesia Conservation Trust and the Micronesia Challenge Regional Office—aims to strengthen the capacities, communication, and planning to ensure regional coordination of the MC 2030. The third project component focuses on monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management and communication of knowledge products generated through the project, including through IW:LEARN.

Within the scope of Component 1, each partner nation (RMI, FSM, Palau) will pursue and provide four specific outputs:

1.1.1: National policy gap analysis to identify priority pathways for achieving MC 2030 targets on marine protected area planning and coastal fisheries management approaches

1.1.2: National working group meetings including key national and regional stakeholders, including the private sector to deliver Output 1.1.3 and 1.1.4

1.1.3: National plans, strategies, and policy recommendations to integrate marine protected area planning and fisheries management approaches

1.1.4: National Micronesia Challenge 2030 Strategic Plan

The National Project Coordinator will facilitate completion of national activities designated for FSM R&D within project component one, act as a liaison for regional activities conducted under project component two, and assist or lead engagement with community or stakeholder members through the remaining duration of the project (through February 28, 2026).

February 20

MCT Grants Manager

February 26

MC 2030 Strategic Action Plan Consultant