MCT Policy And Operations Manual

In the accomplishment of its goals and objectives, MCT provides funding, capacity-building and technical support to its implementing partners but does not implement projects itself. Guiding and advising implementing agencies on the ground, MCT will act as an agent of change to promote new and innovative ways of thinking, while recognizing the value of traditional methods of natural resource management and encouraging a wider use of such practices. MCT encourages Micronesians to take responsibility for the sustainable management of their ecosystems for their own survival and for the benefit of all Micronesia. Effective biodiversity conservation can occur only when the people dependant on natural resources for their survival participate and are integrated into conservation efforts. MCT prioritizes areas where there is organizational and political will, and where the local population is aware of environmental problems, is already committed to safeguarding the environment, and where projects have been conceived and designed with significant community participation.


Gender Policy