Bernd is a Program Officer at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, helping to manage its Oceans and Seafood Markets Initiative. He has also worked as an independent consultant, as a Senior Research Program Manager (Oceans) for Vulcan, Inc. and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and for twelve years as a Program Officer at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, where he led the Western Pacific and Marine Birds Conservation programs. Prior to that, he lived and worked in Indonesia on enterprise-driven conservation projects in the forests and coastal waters of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Melanesia. In all, Bernd has worked for or with philanthropic agencies and conservation organizations for 25 years, mostly in the U.S. and Asia-Pacific. Bernd holds an A.B. in diplomacy and world affairs from Occidental College, and a Master of Public Policy studies and a Master of Arts in Southeast Asian studies, both from the University of Michigan. Bernd first became involved with the Micronesia Conservation Trust just after its inception, while he was representing the Packard Foundation and guiding its early grants in support of MCT’s growth.

Bernd Cordes

International Member