Professional Internships in Pacific Terrestrial Island Ecosystems Management (PIPTIEM) Program

The PIPTIEM is an ongoing program that aims to build young professionals' capacities in terrestrial natural resource management in Micronesia through training opportunities, education, and cross-cultural learning exchanges between forestry management organizations/agencies. With the funds for PIPTIEM, MCT and its partners specifically aim to capacitate young Micronesians and terrestrial management organizations to design and manage effective conservation programs promoting adopting sustainable and practical solutions to local environmental challenges.

Countries: CNMI, Guam, Palau, FSM, RMI

Partners: US Forest Service (USFS), Micronesia Challenge Regional Office, Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Areas Community, the United States Department of the Interior, USAID, RMI Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, FSM Department of Resources and Development, Palau Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry, Guam Forestry, CNMI Department of Land and Natural Resources

Project Duration: July 2021 to June 2024

Funding Source: USDA Forest Service


Micronesia Environmental Law Fellowship Program


Sustainable Energy and Accompanying Measures (SEAM)